
Top SMS strategies for eCommerce (Including examples)

September 12, 2024
Top SMS strategies for eCommerce (Including examples)

*This article was written by Philip Portman, founder and CEO of Textdrip.

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Did you know that nearly 98% of SMS messages are opened? That’s far higher than any other digital marketing channel. That statistic alone shows the immense potential of SMS for eCommerce, and it’s definitely something to consider if you haven’t already. 

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective SMS strategies and campaigns used for eCommerce. 

What is SMS marketing?

SMS (Short Message Service) marketing is a form of digital tool that uses text messages to send promotional messages to customers. It’s a direct and personal way to reach your audience, often leading to higher engagement and conversion rates than other marketing channels (like websites, social media, and email marketing, among others).

Think of it like having a personal assistant who always has your phone number and knows exactly when to send you the right message. Whether it’s a flash sale, a new product launch, or a shipping update – SMS marketing allows you to connect with your customers in real time.

Why is SMS marketing an ideal tool for eCommerce?

In eCommerce, capturing customers’ attention quickly is crucial; SMS has the power to achieve this, making it an ideal tool for the industry. Here are some reasons that support this claim:

  1. Instant reach: No more waiting for emails to be opened – SMS gets read almost immediately which ensures your message doesn’t get lost in the digital clutter.
  2. High open rates: People are more likely to check their texts as compared to their emails, so it’s a guaranteed way to get your message seen.
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  4. Personalized touch: SMS allows you to tailor your messages to specific individuals, making your customer feel valued and appreciated.
  5. Clear CTAs: With a simple link or code, you can guide customers directly to your products or services.
  6. Timely reminders: Whether it’s a shipping update, abandoned cart reminder, or exclusive offer, SMS helps to keep your customers engaged and coming back for more – when used correctly.

What are the different types of SMS campaigns used for eCommerce? (With examples)

Every industry has unique products, services, and target audiences, which influence the effectiveness of different campaigns. Similarly, eCommerce businesses can benefit from several common types of SMS campaigns which are outlined below:

1. Pre- and post-purchase campaigns

After discovering a new tech retailer that he liked, John decided to subscribe to the store’s website. Before he even made a purchase, he received the following SMS message:

“Hey John, welcome to [store’s name]! We’re so happy you’re here with us. Check out our selection and enjoy a 10% discount on your first purchase here: [link]”

John had been researching laptops for weeks. He needed a new one for work and school, and he wanted something powerful yet affordable. After careful consideration, he decided on a sleek, modern model from his new favorite tech retailer.

Once he completed the purchase, John received a confirmation SMS immediately. It thanked him for his order and provided his order number.

“Thank you for your purchase! Your order number is #12345. Enjoy your new laptop! Check out our recommended accessories for a complete setup: [link]”

A few days later, he received another SMS with personalized product recommendations based on his recent purchase. The message suggested a laptop case and a wireless mouse to complement his new device.

“We’re excited to have you as a customer! Enjoy your 15% discount on your next purchase. Browse our latest collection here: [link].”

Feeling satisfied with his purchase, John decided to browse the retailer’s website again. As he explored their offerings, he noticed a pre-purchase offer for a new line of headphones. Knowing he’d likely need new headphones soon, and that this next purchase is 15% off, John eagerly made the purchase.

Campaign strategy


  • Use personalized product recommendations based on their browsing history or interests to encourage them to make a purchase.


  • Send a confirmation SMS immediately after the purchase, thanking the customer and providing their order number.
  • Follow up with a product recommendation SMS based on their purchase history, suggesting complementary items like a laptop case or mouse.
  • Send a satisfaction survey SMS a few days later to gather feedback on their shopping experience.

2. Abandoned cart campaigns

Maria had been shopping online for a new dress to wear to a wedding. She found the perfect one – a flowy, floral number that was both elegant and comfortable. She added it to her cart and started to check out, but then she hesitated. The price was a bit higher than she’d planned to spend.

Maria decided to think about it for a few days. Unfortunately, she forgot about the dress. A few days later, she received a reminder SMS from the online store. The message gently reminded her about the dress in her cart, and a follow-up message offered a limited time discount to encourage her to complete her purchase.

“We noticed you left an item in your cart. Is there anything we can help you with? Reply ‘YES’ to chat with our customer service.”

“Don’t miss out on your favorite dress! Your cart is still waiting for you. Get 10% off your purchase when you check out now. [Link]”

Feeling silly for forgetting, Maria decided to take advantage of the discount. She quickly returned to the website, added the dress to her cart again, and completed the checkout process. She was excited to receive the dress and wear it to the wedding.

Campaign strategy

  • Send a reminder SMS shortly after the abandonment, reminding the customer about the items in their cart and providing a link to the checkout page.
  • Offer a limited time discount or free shipping to incentivize the customer to complete their purchase.
  • Suggest products to customers based on what they’ve bought before.

3. New product launch campaigns

Alex was a tech enthusiast who eagerly followed the latest trends in smartphones. He had been waiting for months for a new flagship model from his favorite brand to be released. When the announcement finally came, Alex was thrilled.

A few days before the launch, he received a teaser SMS from the brand, hinting at the exciting new features and innovations that the smartphone would offer. The message created a sense of anticipation and excitement.

“Get ready for the future! Our new smartphone is launching soon. Sign up for early access and be the first to know: [link]”

On the day of the launch, Alex eagerly opened his phone to see the official announcement. The brand had sent a launch SMS with a detailed product description and high-quality images. Alex was impressed by the sleek design, powerful camera, and advanced features. He knew he had to have it.

“Introducing the all-new [product name]. Pre-order now and get a free [gift]: [link]”

As soon as pre-orders were available, Alex quickly placed his order. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on the new smartphone and experience all it had to offer.

Campaign strategy

  • Send a teaser SMS a few days before the launch, generating excitement and anticipation.
  • Offer exclusive early access to loyal customers or subscribers.
  • Provide a detailed product description and high-quality image in the launch SMS.

Might also interest you:

4.  Promotional SMS

Sarah was planning a vacation to the beach and was looking for a new swimsuit. She had been browsing online for weeks but hadn’t found anything she really loved. Then, she received a promotional SMS from her favorite swimwear brand.

The SMS advertised a seasonal sale with discounts of up to 50% on all swimwear. Sarah was excited to see the offer and immediately clicked on the link. She found several swimsuits that she liked and decided to purchase two.

“Get this – your favorite swimwear designs, now at 50% OFF. Happy swimming! View all: [link]”

With the discounted prices, Sarah was able to save a significant amount of money on her new swimwear. She was looking forward to wearing her new suits on her upcoming vacation.

Campaign strategy

  • Send a promotional SMS highlighting the sale and providing a clear call to action (e.g., “Shop now and save 20%”).
  • Use urgency tactics like “Limited time offer” or “While supplies last” to create a sense of FOMO.
  • Segment your audience based on their purchase history or preferences to send targeted promotions.

5. Two-way texting (conversational) campaigns

David was considering buying a new laptop but was unsure about the specific model to choose. He had visited a few electronics stores and read online reviews, but still had some questions.

To get more information, David sent a text message to the customer service department of the online retailer he was interested in. He asked about the differences between two specific models and inquired about their availability:

“Hey [tech store],

I’m interested in purchasing a new laptop and am considering the [model A] and [model B]. I’m having trouble deciding between the two and would appreciate your input.”

To his surprise, he received a prompt response from a customer service representative. The representative answered all of David’s questions and even offered to send him a detailed comparison chart. Satisfied with the information, David decided to purchase the laptop from the retailer.

Hi David,

Thank you for your message. Here’s a detailed comparison chart highlighting the key differences between the two models: [Link]”

Campaign strategy

  • Enable two-way texting on your website or through a dedicated SMS channel.
  • Respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally.
  • Use automated chatbots to handle common questions and provide basic customer support.

6. VIP campaigns

As a loyal customer of a high-end fashion brand, Emily had been shopping there for years. She had built a strong relationship with the store’s staff and was always impressed by their personalized service.

One day, Emily received an exclusive SMS inviting her to join the brand’s new VIP program. The program offered a variety of benefits, including early access to sales, personalized styling advice, and invitations to exclusive events:

“As a valued VIP member, you’re invited to our exclusive sale. Enjoy 25% off your entire purchase – [link]”

Excited to become a VIP member, Emily signed up for the program. She immediately began to enjoy the perks. She was able to shop during private sales, received personalized recommendations from her favorite stylist, and was invited to a fashion show featuring the brand’s latest collection.

“Emily, thank you for your continued loyalty! As a VIP, you’re eligible for complimentary alterations on your latest purchase: [link]”

Emily felt valued and appreciated as a VIP member. She knew that the brand recognized her loyalty and was committed to providing her with the best possible shopping experience.

Campaign strategy

  • Create a VIP program with exclusive benefits like early access to sales, personalized recommendations, and special discounts.
  • Send personalized VIP SMS campaigns to recognize their loyalty and encourage repeat purchases.

7. Buy one, get one (BOGO) campaigns

Sarah was shopping for new clothes for her upcoming vacation. She had found a few items she liked at her favorite clothing store but was hesitant to spend too much money.

As she was about to check out, she noticed a sign advertising a BOGO deal on all shirts. Excited about the opportunity to save money, Sarah decided to purchase two shirts she had been eyeing.

״Buy one shirt, get one free! Mix and match your favorites. Offer ends [date]: [link]”

With the BOGO deal, Sarah was able to get two shirts for the price of one. She was thrilled with her purchase and looked forward to wearing her new shirts on her vacation. It also made her realize that she should open these messages more often, because there was a good chance for a deal she otherwise would not have known about.

Campaign strategy

  • Offer a BOGO deal on selected products.
  • Select popular items or complementary pairs to maximize appeal.
  • Use limited time offers and scarcity messaging to encourage immediate action.

8. Fear of missing out (FOMO) campaigns

Alex was looking for a new smartphone. He had been researching different models for weeks but hadn’t made a decision yet.

While browsing online, Alex received an SMS from one of his favorite electronics retailers. The message advertised a limited time offer on a popular smartphone model. The offer included a free case and screen protector with the purchase.

“Only a few hours left to save! Get 20% off your entire purchase. Use code HURRY before it’s gone: [link]”

Feeling a sense of FOMO, Alex quickly visited the retailer’s website. He saw that the offer was indeed limited and only available for a few more days. Knowing he might not get another chance to purchase the smartphone at such a good price, Alex decided to place his order, as he was pretty much certain he would get that model even if it wasn’t part of such a good deal.

Campaign strategy

  • Create a sense of FOMO by using limited time offers and scarcity messaging.
  • Use clear and concise SMS campaigns to communicate the offer and encourage immediate action.
  • Limit availability or timeframes to make customers feel they might miss out.
  • Offer unique perks or early access to create a sense of desire.
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In a nutshell, we’ve explored a variety of SMS campaigns that serve as powerful tools for eCommerce businesses to connect with customers, increase sales, and foster loyalty. These campaigns, when executed effectively, can significantly boost revenue and return on investment (ROI).

Key takeaways:

  • Personalization is paramount: Tailor campaigns to individual customer preferences and past purchases.
  • Timing is everything: Send messages at optimal times to maximize engagement.
  • Clear calls to action: Encourage specific actions with direct and concise instructions.
  • Track and measure: Monitor campaign performance to refine future strategies.

Happy texting! As you start crafting your SMS strategies and boosting engagement, don’t forget that scaling your eCommerce business requires more than just smart marketing – it also demands financial agility. With 8fig’s innovative funding solutions and accompanying AI-based tools, you can ensure that your business has the resources it needs to grow without limits. 

Ready to take your store to the next level? Get started with 8fig today and unlock the potential of personalized, just-in-time funding tailored to your goals. 

Have article ideas, requests, or collaboration proposals? Reach out to us at – we’d love to hear from you.

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