8fig blog

9 powerful legal ways to protect your eCommerce products from copycats

Discover 9 legal strategies to safeguard your eCommerce products and learn how to implement trademarks, copyrights, and more to protect your hard work and maintain your competitive edge.

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The hidden cost of stockouts: A data-driven analysis showing how missing inventory impacts your eCommerce revenue

Our data-driven analysis reveals how missing inventory affects revenue and offers strategies to prevent stockouts and enhance your business.

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New technologies that are changing the eCommerce fashion industry – everything you need to know

From AI-powered styling to virtual try-ons, learn about the innovations transforming the fashion industry and enhancing the shopping experience.

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The ins and outs of international expansion for FBA sellers

International expansion can be complex for eCommerce sellers. Bryce Cressy from Zee breaks it down and answers all our questions.

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Sales forecasting: Your secret weapon for eCommerce growth

Supercharge your eCommerce growth with 8fig’s smart Sales Forecasting tool. Predict demand, optimize inventory, and stay ahead of the curve.

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Unlock success: 50 proven tactics for skyrocketing your customer retention rates

In this article we break down the top 50 ways eCommerce sellers can engage customers into returning to their stores.

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How these expert eCommerce professionals leverage data to scale with confidence

We’ve collected feedback from eCommerce experts and sellers on how they leverage data to scale their businesses confidently.

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