
From a small business owner to an 8-figure eCommerce expert

September 03, 2024
From a small business owner to an 8-figure eCommerce expert

Interview with Devin Zander, founder and CEO of Skup and CMO of Roezan.

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Tell us a bit about yourself and your company.

My name is Devin Zander, founder & CEO of Skup. We help Shopify sellers scale their businesses with software that optimizes email marketing and product recommendations.

Devin’s entrepreneurial journey began with a modest start, driven by a combination of necessity and opportunity. He started Skup in 2015 after identifying a gap in the market for Shopify apps that catered to his needs as a store owner. At the time, he was running his own Shopify store and realized that the existing apps on the Shopify app store did not meet his requirements.

This realization motivated him to take matters into his own hands and develop solutions that could help not only his business, but also other eCommerce entrepreneurs facing similar challenges.

Initially, Skup started as just an upsell app, but Devin’s vision and determination quickly expanded its scope. He partnered with Matt Schmitt, an expert in the print-on-demand business model, to grow Skup into a comprehensive suite of tools and training programs designed to help eCommerce businesses scale. Devin and Matt’s collaboration proved to be a successful one, as they leveraged their combined expertise to build a company that has generated over $50 million in sales.

Currently, Devin is also the CMO of Roezan, an automated text messages and SMS marketing company helping eCommerce sellers engage with their customers at scale.

Turning points

Your journey from a small business owner to an 8-figure eCommerce expert is truly inspiring. Can you share the pivotal moments or decisions that significantly impacted your growth and success?

Key moments included pivoting to specialize in Shopify, launching educational content like blogs and podcasts, and implementing customer win-back campaigns. These strategies led to a 300% increase in monthly signups and revenue over six figures.

From Devin’s insights, we can understand that his strategic shift to specialize in Shopify was a game-changer, allowing him to become an expert in a growing niche. This focus attracted a dedicated customer base and set the stage for significant growth.

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Another key move was launching educational content like blogs and podcasts. By providing valuable insights, Devin positioned Skup as a thought leader, building trust and boosting brand visibility. This content-driven approach played a crucial role in expanding his influence within the eCommerce community.

He also implemented customer win-back campaigns, which proved highly effective in re-engaging previous customers. This strategy led to a 300% increase in monthly signups, driving Skup’s revenue into six figures.

Together, these strategic choices – specializing in Shopify, creating educational content, and focusing on customer re-engagement – were instrumental in Devin’s journey to success. His story highlights the importance of thoughtful decisions at key moments in the growth of a business.

Overcoming early challenges

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in the early days as an eCommerce seller on Shopify, and how did you overcome them?

Finding product-market fit was a significant challenge. We overcame this by focusing our services specifically on Shopify, which resulted in increased traffic and sales.

In the early days as an eCommerce seller on Shopify, Devin Zander faced the daunting challenge of finding the right product-market fit. This is a common hurdle for many entrepreneurs, as it requires not only understanding customer needs, but also aligning those needs with the right offerings. For Devin, the solution came through a strategic decision to narrow his focus and specialize in Shopify.

By tailoring his services specifically to this platform, he was able to meet the unique demands of Shopify users, which led to a significant increase in both traffic and sales.

This decision to specialize wasn’t just about offering a service – it was about understanding the platform’s ecosystem and its users’ specific needs. By doing so, Devin transformed a major challenge into a growth opportunity. His experience underscores the importance of finding and maintaining a clear focus in business, especially when navigating the complexities of product-market fit.

The birth and evolution of Skup

Skup has been instrumental in helping thousands of store owners. What inspired you to create Skup, and how has the company evolved since its inception?

Skup was inspired by the need to help eCommerce sellers optimize their operations. Since inception, we’ve evolved to offer comprehensive tools and educational resources, aiding thousands of store owners.

The inspiration behind Skup came from Devin’s desire to help eCommerce sellers optimize their operations and overcome the challenges he himself had faced as a store owner. Seeing the gaps in the tools available at the time, Devin envisioned a platform that would not only address these needs but also empower other entrepreneurs to scale their businesses more effectively. This vision led to the creation of Skup, a company dedicated to providing practical solutions for eCommerce sellers.

Since its inception, Skup has evolved significantly. What began as a focus on optimization has grown into a comprehensive suite of tools and educational resources. These offerings are designed to support every aspect of running an online store, from enhancing sales strategies to streamlining operations.

Through this evolution, Skup has successfully aided thousands of store owners, helping them achieve greater efficiency and growth in their businesses.

Building and leading winning teams

You emphasize the importance of strategic hiring and building strong teams. What advice would you give to eCommerce entrepreneurs about assembling and managing their teams effectively?

Hire strategically and focus on building a team that complements your strengths. Outsource specialized tasks and leverage AI for efficiency.

Devin Zander emphasizes that one of the key factors in his success has been strategic hiring and team building. For eCommerce entrepreneurs, he advises assembling a team that complements your strengths rather than duplicates them. This means identifying areas where you excel and then hiring individuals who can fill the gaps in your skill set. By doing so, you create a well-rounded team capable of tackling the diverse challenges of running an eCommerce business.

Additionally, Devin advocates for outsourcing specialized tasks that require specific expertise. Rather than trying to do everything in-house, outsourcing allows you to tap into a broader pool of talent, ensuring that each aspect of your business is handled by professionals who excel in their respective fields.

Furthermore, leveraging AI for efficiency is another piece of advice Devin offers. With the advancements in AI technology, eCommerce entrepreneurs can automate routine tasks, optimize their operations, and focus their energies on strategic growth.

This combination of strategic hiring, effective outsourcing, and AI integration can significantly enhance the overall efficiency and success of an eCommerce business.

Optimizing roles: In-house, outsourcing, and AI

When building a team of strong players, what roles sellers should outsource / do in-house / use AI for, etc.?

Outsource specialized roles like graphic design and SEO. Keep core business functions in-house and use AI for data analysis and customer service.

The Skup founder advises eCommerce sellers to outsource specialized roles like graphic design and SEO, where specific expertise is essential. This allows access to top-tier talent without the full-time commitment. According to Devin, core business functions – such as product development and strategy – should be kept in-house, ensuring they align closely with your brand’s vision.

For tasks like data analysis and customer service, Devin recommends leveraging AI. AI can efficiently handle large data sets and routine inquiries, freeing your team to focus on higher-value activities. By strategically outsourcing, keeping core functions in-house, and using AI where appropriate, sellers can build a strong, efficient team that supports growth.

Proven marketing tactics for success

Your marketing strategies have been pivotal to your success. Can you share some useful marketing tactics that have worked exceptionally well for you?

Content marketing, email campaigns, and influencer partnerships have been highly effective for us.

Devin credits several key marketing strategies for his success in the eCommerce space. Content marketing has been a cornerstone, allowing him to provide valuable insights and establish Skup as an authority in the industry. By consistently delivering high-quality content, Devin has built trust with his audience and driven organic traffic to his platforms.

Email campaigns have also played a crucial role. Devin uses targeted email marketing to nurture leads, engage existing customers, and drive conversions. This direct line of communication has proven to be highly effective in building and maintaining customer relationships.

Additionally, influencer partnerships are another powerful tactic. Collaborating with influencers who resonate with his target audience has helped Devin expand his reach and tap into new customer segments. These partnerships bring credibility and visibility, making them a valuable component of his overall marketing strategy.

Together, these tactics – content marketing, email campaigns, and influencer partnerships – have been instrumental in Devin’s journey to success, driving both brand growth and customer engagement.

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Leadership and management for sustained growth

Managing an 8-figure eCommerce business requires effective leadership and strategy. What are some key management practices you’ve implemented at Skup to ensure smooth operations and sustained growth?

We focus on clear communication, regular performance reviews, and continuous improvement to ensure smooth operations and growth.

Managing an 8-figure eCommerce business like Skup requires effective leadership and strategic practices. Devin Zander highlights the importance of clear communication to keep the team aligned with company goals. Regular performance reviews are essential for tracking progress and fostering development, allowing the team to address challenges and improve efficiency.

Devin also emphasizes continuous improvement, consistently refining processes to stay competitive and adapt to changes. By focusing on communication, performance assessments, and ongoing innovation, Skup ensures smooth operations and sustained growth.

Maximizing customer satisfaction and loyalty

Customer satisfaction and retention are crucial for long-term success in eCommerce. What strategies have you found most effective for maintaining high customer satisfaction and loyalty at Skup?

Personalized email campaigns, responsive customer service, and quality product recommendations have been key to maintaining high customer satisfaction and loyalty.

For Devin, maintaining high customer satisfaction and loyalty at Skup has been a top priority, and he has relied on a few key strategies to achieve this. Personalized email campaigns have been particularly effective, allowing Skup to connect with customers on a deeper level by tailoring messages and offers to their specific needs and preferences. This personal touch not only engages customers, but also fosters a sense of loyalty.

Responsive customer service is another critical component. Devin ensures that his team is always available to address customer inquiries and resolve issues quickly, reinforcing trust and satisfaction. By being attentive and proactive, Skup has built a reputation for reliability and care.

Additionally, providing quality product recommendations has been a cornerstone of Skup’s strategy. By leveraging data and insights, Devin’s team is able to suggest products that truly meet customer needs, enhancing their shopping experience and encouraging repeat business.

Together, these strategies – personalized email campaigns, responsive customer service, and quality product recommendations – have been a significant force in maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty at Skup.

The eCommerce landscape is constantly evolving. a) What trends do you see shaping the future of eCommerce, and b) how can new entrepreneurs stay ahead of the curve?

a) Personalization and AI will shape the future of eCommerce. b) Stay ahead by continuously learning, adapting, and leveraging new technologies.

Personalization and AI are key trends that will shape the future of eCommerce, according to Devin’s insights. As customers increasingly expect tailored experiences, businesses that effectively leverage personalization and AI-driven solutions will stand out in a competitive market. These technologies enable companies to offer customized product recommendations, targeted marketing, and more efficient customer service – all of which enhance the overall shopping experience.

For new entrepreneurs looking to stay ahead of the curve, Devin emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and adaptability. The eCommerce landscape is dynamic, and those who are willing to embrace change and invest in new technologies will be better positioned to succeed. By staying informed about industry trends, experimenting with innovative tools, and being agile in their approach, entrepreneurs can navigate the evolving market and maintain a competitive edge.

Mastering work-life balance and productivity

Balancing personal life and a demanding business can be challenging. How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance, and what practices or routines help you stay productive and focused?

I maintain balance through time management, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care.

Balancing a demanding business with personal life is no easy task, but Devin focuses on the importance of effective time management, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care as the key to this balance.

By managing his time efficiently, Devin ensures that both his work and personal life receive the attention they need. This involves scheduling tasks and commitments in a way that allows for both productivity and relaxation.

Setting clear boundaries is another key practice for Devin. By defining specific times for work and personal activities, he avoids burnout and maintains a healthy separation between the two. This approach helps him stay focused during work hours and fully present during personal time.

Harnessing AI for precision and efficiency

Working with AI – do you leverage the power of artificial intelligence, and have you ‘trained’ ChatGPT or other AI platforms to provide precise information about Skup?

We use AI to enhance our email marketing and customer service. We’ve trained AI platforms to provide precise information about Skup.

Devin and his team at Skup leverage the power of artificial intelligence to enhance various aspects of Skup’s operations, particularly in email marketing and customer service. By incorporating AI into these areas, Skup can deliver more personalized and efficient experiences to its customers. For example, AI-driven email campaigns allow for highly targeted messaging, which increases engagement and conversion rates.

Additionally, Devin has trained AI platforms to provide precise information about Skup, ensuring that customers receive accurate and relevant responses to their inquiries. This not only improves customer service efficiency, but also helps maintain consistency in communication. The integration of AI at Skup demonstrates how technology can be harnessed to optimize business processes and elevate customer interactions.

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Key lessons learned along the way

Reflecting on your journey, what are the most important lessons you’ve learned? 

Adaptability and persistence are crucial. Always listen to your customers and be willing to pivot when necessary.

Reflecting on his journey, Devin mentions that adaptability and persistence have been vital to his success. The ability to pivot when necessary has allowed him to navigate the ever-changing landscape of eCommerce, ensuring that Skup remains relevant and competitive. Devin stresses the importance of being open to change and not getting too attached to a single approach, as the market and customer needs are constantly evolving.

Listening to customers is another critical lesson Devin has learned. By staying attuned to their feedback and needs, he has been able to make informed decisions that drive both product development and business strategy. This customer-centric approach has been highly influential in building a loyal customer base and sustaining long-term growth.

Through adaptability, persistence, and a strong focus on customer feedback, Devin has successfully steered Skup through various challenges, turning them into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Scaling advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

What advice would you give to eCommerce entrepreneurs who wish to scale their businesses?

Focus on finding your niche, create valuable content, build an email list, and scale with software. Stay adaptable and continuously optimize.

Sharing his biggest insight yet, Devin advises eCommerce entrepreneurs to focus on finding their niche, as this allows for more targeted marketing and stronger brand identity. Creating valuable content is key to building trust and driving organic traffic, while an email list is crucial for nurturing customer relationships and boosting sales.

To scale effectively, Devin recommends leveraging software to automate processes and streamline operations. He also stresses the importance of staying adaptable and continuously optimizing, as the eCommerce landscape is always evolving.


Devin Zander’s journey from a small business owner to an 8-figure eCommerce expert is a testament to the power of strategic decision-making, adaptability, and a deep understanding of customer needs. His experiences underscore the importance of staying focused, continuously learning, and leveraging technology to drive growth.

At 8fig, we share the same commitment to helping eCommerce entrepreneurs scale their businesses with tailored solutions. Whether it’s through our advanced financial tools, expert guidance, or AI-driven strategies, we empower you to navigate the challenges of eCommerce with confidence. Just as Devin transformed Skup into a leading force in the industry, 8fig is here to support you in turning your vision into reality, one strategic move at a time.

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