8fig blog

22 Black Friday tips eCommerce experts wish they knew sooner

What do you need to know before Black Friday 2022? ECommerce experts shared their top tips with us and the answers might surprise you.

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BFCM: The ultimate guide to eCommerce sales [2024]

Get ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday with our guide on maximizing sales through smart inventory management, effective marketing strategies, and leveraging eCommerce financing.

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How to reduce returns and refunds: Practical tips for eCommerce sellers

Navigate the complexities of returns and refunds with our practical tips tailored for eCommerce sellers.

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Sales forecasting: Your secret weapon for eCommerce growth

Supercharge your eCommerce growth with 8fig’s smart Sales Forecasting tool. Predict demand, optimize inventory, and stay ahead of the curve.

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How to create Q4 ads that really work

Follow these easy tips to create high performing Q4 ads that drive sales. You’ll see an increase in your conversion rate in no time.

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7 eCommerce sales forecasting mistakes & how to avoid them

Not ensuring that your sales forecasts are accurate can seriously impact sales. Learn to avoid the most common mistakes to ensure uninterrupted growth.

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So, whatever creates a persuasive shopping experience can make shoppers complete their transactions. Interestingly, optimizing your product pages does that.
50 effective tactics to lower your shopping cart abandonment rate

Cart abandonment is an issue every eCommerce seller deals with. We put together the 50 best tips to keep shoppers engaged and in your funnel.

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